Episode 8: The Me in We: Do My Needs Count in the Relational Equation?

The Relate Podcast
The Relate Podcast
Episode 8: The Me in We: Do My Needs Count in the Relational Equation?

Join us as we take a look at some commonly held misconceptions about how sometimes the best people put their needs last in relationships. We discover potential ways those misconceptions may be shaping the way we currently approach relational priorities. We get some tips on how to balance being a great friend while making room in the relationship for our friends to care for us.

Discussion questions:

  1. We all receive some confusing messages about the importance of SELF in relationships. What is a misconception or confusing message you have believed? If you’ve listened to Season 1, what inputs led to those messages/beliefs?
    1. Where do you fall on the Giving/Guarded spectrum these days? What has led you to approach friendships in such a way?
    2. What is one step you could take in the next week to move a bit on that spectrum? Perhaps it is avoiding coming to your interactions in an emotionally depleted state? Or making room in the friendship for you to also receive the care of others?
    3. Is there a relationship where you may have started to notice some yellow flags of resentment? What do those early signs of resentment tell you about the way you are approaching that relationship

Put down the phone and let others come to you. Take note of how much energy you spend caring for others vs caring for yourself. Email us at Relate@willowcreek.org and share with us on social media. We want to hear your stories, too, and might even share your story on a future Relate Podcast.

*Resources and Next Steps: *
In the Chicagoland area and interested in joining a group? We would love to help you find connection! Check out willowcreek.org/groupfinder

Resources to help you dismantle shame: