Episode 7: The Me in We: Approaching Friendships in Adulthood – A Personal Inventory

The Relate Podcast
The Relate Podcast
Episode 7: The Me in We: Approaching Friendships in Adulthood - A Personal Inventory

As we begin Season 2 of The Relate Podcast we pause to consider the current state of our friendships. What is the status of your relationships now that you also balance all the complexities of adult life? Some of us might find ourselves in a place where we have too many relationships to maintain, or perhaps you are in a season where you would like to find more friendships, but don’t quite know how. In this conversation we help you consider some steps you can take to rightsize your relational world and honor yourself in your friendships.

Discussion Questions:

  1. When you take notice of the status of your friendships, are you in a season where you have enough, too many, or would like to add more? How did you get here?
  2. How open to new friendships would people who see you in your everyday life say say that you are? What might their experience be of how ready you seem? Do your actions invite the new?
  3. When you consider the challenge to be intentional about seeking out new in order to start new friendships, what is one step you could take?

    -go somewhere different?
    -try a new hobby?
    -ask people you already know to make a connection?
    -slow down and connect?

  4. Have you ever been in a friendship with someone really different from yourself? What was something that you learned from being in that relationship? If you haven’t, have you considered if a sense of terminal uniqueness might be limiting your decision making.

Place yourself somewhere new in order to open yourself up to the possibility of new relationships. Email us at Relate@willowcreek.org and share with us on social media. We want to hear your stories, too, and might even share your story on a future Relate Podcast.

Resources and Next Steps
In the Chicagoland area and interested in joining a group? We would love to help you find connection! Check out willowcreek.org/groupfinder