Episode 18: New Year, New You: Ready to grow? Discover how to pursue change in a healthy, kind and lasting way

The Relate Podcast
The Relate Podcast
Episode 18: New Year, New You: Ready to grow? Discover how to pursue change in a healthy, kind and lasting way

We have considered what is behind our desire to change, and if we are in a season where goals are indeed the next right thing for us. If you find yourself in a place where you are ready for growth, this episode will help you discover ways to pursue healthy and lasting change. We discuss helpful frameworks for change as well as common distractors that get in our way of achieving growth.

*Discussion Questions: *

  1. In this moment, are you feeling energy around making some steps toward growth or a new goal? Or is there something else you need more in this season?
  2. If you are ready for some new growth, do you have an area in mind? Was there something in the list of possible growth themes that I read that resonated with you?

    Perhaps self talk? Saying yes, or no more? Spending time looking back in your story to heal and learn?

  3. How can you, this week, make room in your life, your schedule, your heart, for this new growth?
  4. Consider what relationship might be present within a change you would like to make. What is one way you can grieve that relationship’s end in order to prepare for growth?

*Resources: *
More on Neuroplasicity: Richard J. Davidson Ted Talk https://www.ted.com/talks/richard_j_davidson_how_mindfulness_changes_the_emotional_life_of_our_brains_jan_2019?utm_campaign=941aa6900c-Jan2020_TEDx1ND&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Center+for+Healthy+Minds&utm_term=0_cce2315563-941aa6900c-9465615

New Year, New You? Daily Devotional
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