Episode 16: New Year, New You? Time for Resolution and Change… Or Not?

The Relate Podcast
The Relate Podcast
Episode 16: New Year, New You? Time for Resolution and Change... Or Not?

In this first episode of our 4th season we consider what everyone is mulling over this time of year: New Year’s Resolutions. We discuss why we have a tendency to want to make sweeping changes as the calendar turns to a new year. Is this the best time to make a change? Is making resolutions the next right thing for us in this season, or is there something else that we need more? Join us as we take a look at the good, the bad and the ugly of New Year’s Resolutions.

*Discussion Questions: *

  1. Have you typically been a New Years Resolution type person? Why or why not?
  2. When you consider that you are enough just as you are, how do you feel? Is that easy or hard for you to believe right now?
  3. Following the holidays, what is it that your body really needs right now? Your soul? Your relationship with God? What is one way you can meet that need this next week?

New Year, New You? Daily Devotional
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